This module is based on the Arp 1050 mix sequencer. Although this version drops the VCO and push button functions. Using the switches, it is an 8 step sequencer, two 4 step sequencers, an 8 input mixer, 8 stage sequential switch, two 4 stage sequential switches and there is also a difference rectifier giving the +ve and -ve difference between stages 1-4 and 5-8.
INPUTS 1-4 : four CV/audio inputs.
INPUTS 5-8 : four CV/audio inputs.
CLOCK : the clock input
RESET : will reset the sequencer
1-4 : output the selected signal from 1-4
5-8 : output the selected signal from 5-8
1-8 : output the selected signal from 1-8
DIFF- : the negative output of diff/rect operation from all inputs
DIFF+ : the positive output of diff/rect operation from all inputs
This module is based on the Arp 1050 mix sequencer. Although this version drops the VCO and push button functions. Using the switches, it is an 8 step sequencer, two 4 step sequencers, an 8 input mixer, 8 stage sequential switch, two 4 stage sequential switches and there is also a difference rectifier giving the +ve and -ve difference between stages 1-4 and 5-8.
INPUTS 1-4 : four CV/audio inputs.
INPUTS 5-8 : four CV/audio inputs.
CLOCK : the clock input
RESET : will reset the sequencer
1-4 : output the selected signal from 1-4
5-8 : output the selected signal from 5-8
1-8 : output the selected signal from 1-8
DIFF- : the negative output of diff/rect operation from all inputs
DIFF+ : the positive output of diff/rect operation from all inputs
This module is based on the Arp 1050 mix sequencer. Although this version drops the VCO and push button functions. Using the switches, it is an 8 step sequencer, two 4 step sequencers, an 8 input mixer, 8 stage sequential switch, two 4 stage sequential switches and there is also a difference rectifier giving the +ve and -ve difference between stages 1-4 and 5-8.
INPUTS 1-4 : four CV/audio inputs.
INPUTS 5-8 : four CV/audio inputs.
CLOCK : the clock input
RESET : will reset the sequencer
1-4 : output the selected signal from 1-4
5-8 : output the selected signal from 5-8
1-8 : output the selected signal from 1-8
DIFF- : the negative output of diff/rect operation from all inputs
DIFF+ : the positive output of diff/rect operation from all inputs