DIY / Building Info



Nathan has provided several case designs that can be cut with a laser-cutter at your local hacker space. You can download the case designs here.

Mouser carries rails that can be used with eurorack, 84hp size here or 60in width here that you can cut to size.



Most Eurorack retailers, such as Thonk, Modular Addict and Synthcube sell patch cables. Plenty on Aliexpress too.

You can build your own power cables by picking up some ribbon cable, some 2x5 pin IDC connectors and an equal number 2x8 pin IDC connectors from Tayda and putting them together. Make sure to line up the red line with the arrows on the connectors. Use a multimeter to check continuity.


Build Guides

Check the list of modules here. Each module should have a build-guide/bom and panel files.

If a module is missing information, or you have a question, send an email.




I do not supply component kits, just assembled modules or PCBs & panels. If you are not inclined or confident to purchase the parts necessary, go to Synthcube and check. They have full component kits for most modules.


Chips are all DIP on thru-hole boards or SOIC on SMD boards Anything 4xxx, eg: 4017, means a CMOS 4017, don't get anything starting with 74>some letters<4017. Do not get any ICs including the designation “74_04,” “HC,” “HCT,” “AHCT,” “AC,” or “ACT” in their part numbers

Switching chipsbest to get DG20x or DG21x series. An example would be Mouser Part No: 781-DG212BDY-T1-E3

The DG4xx series are good too but look out for DG4xxLxx that only run on +/-8V, which is not suitable for Eurorack modules. These will have “L” in the name - DG411LDY, or be sure to check the voltage specs. You want to see +/-22V or 0-44V. Some builders have had trouble with ADGxxxx chips, probably best to avoid them.

Op amps - Just use TL074, TL084, LF347, LF353, TL062, TL072 & TL082.

Knurled shaft pots

Some modules, namely null-A and ARSEq, have very tight pot spacing. It is best to build with knurled shaft pots and then use the small style knobs from Thonk or Modular Addict. from Aliexpress, std shipping will be slow, I'd pay for a faster option - This link might not work forever!

Also smallbear stocks them ( one builder (Randy!) used the regular Tayda standard shaft pots but used these shelving end caps as knobs ( He drew on little black dots to indicate position.

Thonk carries befaco-style mini-knobs which can be slid over knurled shaft pots, they have a fairly tight fit so make sure you have them aligned correctly before pushing them on.

D shaft pots

Can be used but be aware the knobs you use for these jacks might have the white line pointing in the wrong direction depending on the build. Thonk sells “reverse” line davies 1900 knobs that can be used in this case.

Dual Layer PCBs

Also note the panel components go on the bottom of the PCB. Another relic from the days when PCB companies charged double for double sided boards, these days it is standard and no extra cost, but I haven't the heart to go back thru 50+ designs and update them and, like a juggernaut trying to go around a corner, it takes me ages to change my habits. Always check out the build pics of your module on the module or blog pages. 


Generally NLC modules are happy with DIY vactrols. Make them with heatshrink or 3d printed vactrol cases, LEDs and LDRs. Red and green LEDs are best to use as they emit a broader spectrum of light, in any case avoid blue LEDs. For LDRs, easiest to find them on ebay. I use two types GL5516 and GL5549, just search for these codes. GL5516 have a off-resistance of 500k Ohm and are suited for use in the Vac PiLL, giant B0n0, Bindubba sequencer and DelayNoMore. GL5549 have 10M Ohm off-resistance and are suited for use in vactrol based VCAs. The Segue and Muti-band distortion are best with these types.


Regarding 0805 caps - Perhaps strange but the 0805 caps at Tayda are often pretty good, usually Samsung brand. They do not have 10uF in 0805 tho. Generally, for smaller values, try to buy C0G or NP0 caps (which are basically the same thing). For decoupling caps, it doesn't really matter. All caps should have at least a 25V rating, most will have 50V anyway which is fine. 10uF are usually only available with 25V or 35V ratings.

RL on NLC circuits means select a resistor to suit the brightness of the LED. As everybody uses different LEDs, RL has to be selected to suit the brightness. For most diffused lens LEDs, 4k7 will be fine. for clear lens, you might want 10k or even more.

4k7 means 4.7k, similarly 4M7 means 4.7M or 2k2 means 2.2k

It is a common way of indicating resistor values on PCBs as the decimal point is not always printed clearly, or at all, so it helps avoid errors.

Please note - if you search “1k 0805” on Tayda, it will take you to the 1k Ferrite Bead page, which look the same but you do not want these (at least for NLC modules). Best to select ‘Resistors’ from the list on the left, then ‘SMD Chip Resistors’, then ‘0805’.


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