nonlinearcircuits nonlinearcircuits

low pass gate PCB

These were intended for the synth building WAMOD workshop in July, along with nice shiny Eurorack panels. Due to various injuries (not mine) and shipping company shenanigans, I have ended up with more PCBs than planned, so a few will be appearing on the 'PCBs for Sale' page soon.
All components solder directly onto the PCB (switch, sockets and pots), there are some minor changes from the original circuit but no extra fruit, it is slimmed down and likes stabbing eardrums. A very easy build, suitable for beginner DIYers.

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nonlinearcircuits nonlinearcircuits

Sauce of Unce

This has been brewing for several months

Based on the Buchla SOU265, but all the rare components replaced with regular parts. So the noise source is different, the 0.05-50 Hz VCO is op amp based, S&H sections changed to use hi-Z input op amps (ie not 741s), no 24V power source required. It is not a clone, but functionally about the same as the original.
Eurorack compatible, pots, LEDs and sockets all mount directly on the PCB (44 x 90mm), Eurorack panel will be available too.

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nonlinearcircuits nonlinearcircuits


Had a new version of this made, the 1st worked but I did a bunch of mods to tweak it and changed the NL feedback cct. So it seemed best to just get new PCBs made. I am very pleased with it now, possibly my new fave module - VCF, VCO, VC-LFO, QUO, Chaos and Burst Generator - all in one. Plus a good LED lightshow!
I have ten spare PCBs for sale - AU$20 each

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nonlinearcircuits nonlinearcircuits

New Eurorack panels in stock

Double Penetration filter 12hp AU$28
Neuron / Difference rectifier 10hp AU$22
 $5 shipping per order
Both panels are designed so the pots can be soldered to the PCBs and then the lot is mounted on the panel; stronger, easier, less wiring!

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nonlinearcircuits nonlinearcircuits

some old modular in my back shed

Some pics of a modular built in 2004-5. Originally it was to be a paper-faced Serge clone; all the 1st series of modules, which is what happened for the 1st eight panels. The 2nd eight got a bit of a mix with CGS, Patchell and a few other modules, plus some of the 2nd & 3rd gen Serge designs.

The pictures are a pretty mixed batch, some from movies, tv shows, photographers & artists that I like. Some from my own photos of favorite places or pets, others from Splendor Solis and other alchemical texts.

This synth simply wouldn't exist without all the help and kindness of Ken Stone.
Wish I had built it with bananas and in smaller cases so I could shift it without help.

 Serge DUSG, Serge dual CV Processor, Serge Res EQ, CGS Lockhart wave folder, Steiner VCF, CGS Master Divider
 eight CGS VCOs

 Serge 5 stage Programmer, Serge Sequencer, Serge Triple Comparator, CGS dual Analogue Shift Register

 CGS VCO, Serge Triple Wave Shaper, Serge dual Mixer, Serge Noise, Serge Ring Modulator, Serge DUSG
 Milton Sequencer

 Serge Peak, Serge dual Negative Slew, Serge dual Positive Slew, Serge Peak & Trough, Serge Ring Modulator, Serge 73 EG, Serge Dual Processor

 Serge Wave Multiplier, CGS Master Divider, CGS Pulse Divider & Boolean Logic, Serge Triple Bi-Di Router, Serge Triple Comparator, Serge VCF-Q
 CGS Slope detector, Jim Patchell Vocal Filter, three Serge 73 VCFs
 CGS VCO, two CGS Bintic filters, four Serge VCAs, CGS Gated Comparator

 Serge touch keyboard controller (outputs, pads are next to the joystick), Serge five stage Programmer, Serge Sequencer, Serge Peak & Trough, CGS dual LFO
 CGS Weighted Random Switch, CGS Analogue Switch Matrix, CGS Matrix Mixer

 Serge dual Processor, Serge Gate, Serge dual Positive Slew, Serge Peak & Trough & Peak, Serge 73 EG, Serge dual Negative Slew

 CGS VCO, Serge triple Wave Shapers, Serge Mixer, Serge SSG, Serge Sequencer
 Serge dual Res EQ, four CGS VCAs, Serge Stereo Mixer, Serge dual High Gain Amps, Reverb (from an old organ, circuit and all)

 Serge 5 stage Programmer, Serge Wave Multipliers, Serge Phaser, Serge triple bi-di Router, Serge Noise
 Serge DUSG, Jim Patchell multi stage EG, Serge triple Wave Shapers, Serge dual Mixer

 20 stage Binary Sequencer (me!), joystick from a Korg Delta

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