nonlinearcircuits nonlinearcircuits

Single Jerkoff PCBs in stock

These PCBs contain a single jerk chaos circuit. Suitable for Eurorack, panels will be available in late January 2014. A pretty easy build, no rare parts and space on the PCB for optional extra inputs to allow a quad version, known as the Circle Jerk. A limited number of quad panels will be available as well.

1-3 PCBs = $12 each
4 or more PCBs = $11 each
prices include shipping anywhere
email me if you want some.

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nonlinearcircuits nonlinearcircuits

Custom NLC case

These are made by a good friend, who will be producing more for other NLC owners .... and himself!

This one is the 1st prototype, so a few features to be refined before the final version is ready. It looks great and is nice & solid.

The lettering is cut by CNC and filled with resin. Contact me if you want one ... or two.

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nonlinearcircuits nonlinearcircuits

Upcoming PCBs

These will be available for DIYers along with panels suitable for Eurorack systems

1. Single Jerkoff Chaos board.
This is the same as the dual Jerkoff module, except the boards have extra components to put together a quad chaos module known as the Circle Jerk, where outputs of each circuit are used to modulate  the others. Only 1 input needs to be used and 12 related but different chaotic signals can be obtained.
Panels will be available for the single and quad versions.

2. Diode ladder and transistor ladder VCFs in coitus..........for lack of a better name
from my DIY page:
Everybody loves the Moog ladder filter, right? TB-303 etc.....
And everyone loves the EMS diode ladder, the Pink Floyd characteristic synth sound, yeh?

So what happens when we mate these two filters?
No, I don't mean what are the offspring like
Lets just see them in coitus!

This circuit replaces the diodes and transistors of the ladders with opto-couplers.
The interesting effect is that the transistor filter does not need an audio input,
The audio from the diode ladder is sent across as infra-red light and turns on the transistors.

There are outputs for each filter, plus summed output and a difference output.
The difference output is quite unique, never heard anything like it.

There is a switch to swap the resonance feedback paths between the filters
which tends to make thing go a bit nuts.

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nonlinearcircuits nonlinearcircuits

VCF/QUO nonlinearQ demo

this vid is a simple demonstration of the nonlinear resonance (nlQ) effect on this VCF. In the 1st half the nlQ pot is left at zero and the regular Q pot is turned from 0-max.
In the 2nd half, the reqular Q pot is left at max and the nlQ pot starts at max and is wound back.
This VCF is also a very effective quadrature oscillator and is part of the nonlinearcircuits drum panel, more info -
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nonlinearcircuits nonlinearcircuits

panels 7, 8 & 9 on their way

Just sent these off to be manufactured
A re-run of the cellular automata sequencer
plus panels 7 & 8
Panel 7 has stayed about the same, panel 8 lost the mixer and got a new VCF plus a VC Clipper - somewhere between a timbre modulator and VCA

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