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CMOS panel

Ready to be shipped, these cost US$1200 btw, 6 left Contains Great Divide, 8 bit Cipher, 4X4 Logic, 4 stage sample & hold, 4 stage thru & hold, 2 Bi-directional switches, CMOSC - 12 oscillator drone module.
The user manual can be found HERE.
If you want to see some up-close shots of the panel and PCBs, have a look at this PDF

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Another one with the ARSEq

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A new circuit to go into panel #7
blurb (from - This circuit is quite simple but an excellent envelope generator.
It has a counter, four attack release generators (ARgen) and a mixer.
It was originally intended to be a sequencer with controllable slew on each stage,
but it only took an extra pot and two diodes on each stage to turn it into what it is now.
The ARgen circuit is pretty common, I have seen at least 6 variations of the circuit around the net.
Most likely it evolved from the old diode function generators of analogue computer days.

Each stage takes two clock signals, the 1st starts the attack slope.
If the slope is steep enough the output will reach the sustain value set by the level pot for that stage.
The next clock signal puts that stage into release mode and the output starts to drop.
The 3rd clock signal starts the attack on the next stage, if the previous is still 'releasing'
the signals from each stage will sum in the output mixer.

LEDs indicate the envelope of each stage, so more than one LED may be lit at once,
indicating the output signal is a mix of two or maybe more stages.

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a demo showing how the jerkoff responds to different inputs. The X, Y & Z outputs are all shown responding to a variety of square wave, sawtooth and gate inputs. The input level, jerk and wiggle pots are all adjusted to demonstrate the different signals this circuit produces. The 'jerk' and 'wiggle' stages of each cycle are easy to recognise in the final section of the vid, when the 'scope is set to X-Y mode. The size of the jerk is controlled by the jerk pot and the degree of wiggle is controlled by ......

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nonlinearcircuits nonlinearcircuits

filter and CMOS panels in

just picked these up yesterday
the metal fab place did the holes too small on the double CMOSC oscillators, so will drill them out. At least they didn't do them too large. Otherwise another fantastic job by Print N Etch -

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kind of a utility PCB, no pots, just jacks.
Moog fixed filters - brass, vibes, humana, funk, harpsichord
another fixed parallel BP voice filter (called gargle)
These can of course be used with any audio or noise source but are intended primarily as filters for the extra outputs on the Veena.
Also has white noise, pink noise, random vibrato, slow random, chunder (roar)
2X difference rectifiers
4046 phase locked loop circuit

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difference rectifier

this circuit is very simple, just one op amp stage, but when fed 2-4 CV signals it produces a wonderful array of complex envelopes. In the vid, the blue and yellow traces are the inputs, the pink one is the output. It starts off fast but slows down after a minute, so it is easier to see what the cct is doing.

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