nonlinearcircuits nonlinearcircuits

PCBs and Build Manuals

If you have bought a PCB from me and want to find out what all the unmarked resistors are and other pertinent information. Most likely you will find it HERE
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nonlinearcircuits nonlinearcircuits

VCO panel

been playing with the sequencer panel and VCO panel together.  kinda pleased; the phase modulated sync, CV pan pulse and CV processed saw functions on the VCOs make for some pretty interesting sounds.
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nonlinearcircuits nonlinearcircuits

analogue neurons

this circuit was in a paper I had to read, it looked interesting so i built it with a few mods to suit synths. It can do a few different tasks, fed an audio signal and an envelope it can be a resonator/wave multiplier/gate. Fed two CV signals it turns them into something else. in the vid it is getting two LFO signals, as you can see, the output is all over the place.
Its a fun, unpredictable & simple circuit, so designed a dual version PCB for it, guess that will be on panel #4 or 5....

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nonlinearcircuits nonlinearcircuits

VCO panels arrived

got these today
stuffed in the bananas and sat knobs on top just to get an idea of how they will look. All the PCBs have been tested. Two VCOs with pan-pulse and sawtooth processor wave-shapers, two mixers, two LFOs, 1 VCA (with 3 input mixer) and an Envelope Generator

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nonlinearcircuits nonlinearcircuits

4009 bleeding VCA

This is a layout for a dual VCA module. Each VCA has 6 separate inputs and outputs. All 6 are controlled by the same CV/gain pot settings. The VCAs are built around cmos 4009 inverters. The PCB is rather compact, 26 electros, 4 ICs, 6 pots and well over 100 SMD resistors in 1.3x5.5 inches. Resistors are mounted on the top and bottom of the PCB.
'Bleeding VCA' is a hint as to the ...erm... feature of this module. The overworked 4009 chips is going to suffer. Anyway it is a unique VCA, the panel will have 4 attenuable CV inputs, 2 initial gain pots, 12 AC signal inputs and 12 outputs.
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